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Friday, November 12, 2010

overt torture&life trade in nowadays China mainly operated by the ruling squad of CCP.

China nowadays accelerated to sink into dark extinction. the authority begged by all means for cadres' gangster to make sins in light of day time terror. the authority, mainly offspring of betrayer&gangster&winer among CCP's hijack of state power in the ruin of republic of China. they now shamelessly steal state power to grind&grill common Chinese as their prey. they buy overt murdering&life, they shame God's solely being creator of lives. they live mad&ruthless for death-match, falsely attempting to break out their cursed fate of annihilation.

God, save China from fire-baptism&rebirth. God, forever let Chinese nowadays on mainland memorize the brutal reality of worthless of life in PRC, &hope of new China in shine of human right. God, the evil doer, the authority of PRC, must pay its life for their slaughting these decades, that's my prayer this pale morning, promise from the builder of new China Empire reset for 1109 years ahead, by benzrad&warrenzh, Son&Holy of Heaven. God, u see.

河大飙车案:律师遭解聘 全案被和谐
from 政府丑闻 by xccds  
from 萝卜网 - 人人都是艺术家
RT @jtyong: 李刚儿子一案判决结果,天理何在!李一帆案判决结果:李一帆因交通肇事罪判有期徒刑三年,监外执行。赔偿被害人家属三十万伤者五万。李一帆被实习单位开除,李刚被调往其它分局做副局长。张晶晶已经给河北大学及保定公安局北市区分局软禁在医院,禁止媒体记者采访..
RT @jmszl: 桃子猫麻:李刚的岳父的确是副省长,但这是次要的,李刚的舅舅的女婿是北京某局长,而此局长的爸爸是中央常委.....点到为止,不敢再说下去了,所有的人都能连起来。。。。建设有中国特色的社会主义国家。

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉

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