a lengthy dreamed of Empire court. ^ dreamed detailedly about the structure of a dynasty, likely Ming dynasty, a treasure of my ancestor in family Zhu. dreamed a lot about different rules among Empire cadres, social experts, as well as the Empire himself in the foundation of the early dynasty. and the different of proposal, 奏 and another of court document format i now don't how to describe in Chinese. later i busy with improving my computer with 2 input and 1 output wire to allow seamless switching from source of Internet and cable TV to output to my computer. i visited the first graduate of my hometown village, Zhudajiu, and found he at home and allow himself helping me to make the connection wire. God, bring me sooner my happy life with my girls, in my Royal China! 14/7/2012
dreamed of migration. ^ dreamed of migration with son. then with my relation in hometown, later also include figures in Chinese traditional literature, "The Legend of Three Kingdoms", on migration or movement in war. yesterday my son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, consoled me he still finds funs in pc games, among my anxiousness that improved living standard will cost more, esp social interactivity. Its a cloudy morning, cozy weather among summer heat. God, free me with more happy time with my son while maintain his healthy growth, including independence, sovereign, cautiousness. God, bring me my girls and new family sooner! 14/7/2012
dreamed of surviving mafia surveillance with son. ^dreamed co-operated with son to defeat challenge of mafia in harsh surveillance. Its a sunny morning. yesterday we had a good time. we scheduled to have bimonthly dinning out with toast buffet. i had to borrow ¥140 from the canteen operator to support the event, even this month I spent more & didn't pay back my debts like previous months. son felt too hot on the bus, but resumed joyful soon after we served in the buffet restaurant. its the hottest moment after lunch when we waiting bus to haunt shore of River Nen, western Qiqihar, near 1 pm. but playing among crowd aside the river totally rewarding. warrenzh had great laughs during dabbling waters. God, its such a brilliant day that exceeds our expectation. God, bring sooner my Royal China. killing on time offending happens. God, u see it! 13/7/2012
dreamed of threat of mafia. ^ dreamed my sons and myself composed clock fingers with our body among local mafia's threat, and the composed time, says 12am, is blessing. then dreamed visiting my hometown, where my 2 sisters help me clean louses in my hairs with comb. lots of cooties were ripped and falling onto ground and we extinguished them with joys. It's a bright morning. God, bring me sooner my Royal China. kill the offending always on time the event. God, bless us happy time on coming dining out toast buffet u promised. 11/7/2012
dreamed of passing exam. ^ dreamed in dawn passing a hard exam. I scored 32.5 while the line is 26 or so. in the exam i almost gave up in physics, whose teacher is a plain middle aged man. but fun in English subject encouraged me to continue. my English teacher, a sweet tall girl, congratulates me with my exam result. magpie's diligent singings outside of my window reminds me to blog the good news. God, brings me sooner my Royal China. Ps: dearest son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, just returned from his mom's summer vacation tour to Jilin Prov, northeastern China. in the week, i retrospected lots of sins among the grandma and the mother herself during son's growth. I made a choice that time is ripe to make even. in those photos shot by my FujiFilm, son steadily passed through the swarm of dirts and dark. God, save us from revenge. God, i see clearer the sky and land we bestowed. 7/7/2012
son due to return from his mom's summer vacation tour. ^ yesterday i dared to visit his mom's house without notification of their location, till found they still in Harbin, last scheduled city among their travel plan. this morning QRRS dorm's gardener using lawn mower outside, the noise let my sleep unease. dreamed my son worked with me to fix our programming of printing. we r so focused that his 2 cousins entered our house and stayed till leaving caused our attention. i so scorned my son for insecurity. Its a bright morning. 2/7/2012
dreamed work with a vice Primer, Yao. ^dreamed working for a vice Primer of PRC, 姚依林, one of the notorious 4 gangsters, inc 张春桥,王洪文, in dream. It rained cats and dogs in dawn. 1/7/2012
dreamed of my nephew&his sister loaned me. ^ dreamed in my niece's or my sister's house, where she loaned me. the amount satisfied me, even her brother loaned less.  |
From warrenzh in 2012 summer vacation tour |
2012 summer vacation tour to Jilin: son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 extends out to scenery mountains and lakes with his mom&grandma aid by his mom's school. shiny star in fog & forest calling home of the inaugurator. there are children and elders, of his mom's colleagues', in the group tourism led by professional tourist guide. son, warrenzh, had fatigues among the week travel 2 provinces, from lake to mountains, but we was not brought down. in the week his dad, benzrad 朱子卓, me, missing in retrospect of sins in son's mom's family, missing in countless naps for sorrow. now we have great plan to hometown visit this lunar year end, from northeastern China to central China where benzrad grew. we will enjoy first time flight, hopefully aid by loans from my social relation, esp. of my alumni and work place. God, u see the graceful sky. |
Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉
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