These days find more pleasure in baby, the God of Universe, who in dream informed me he is indeed my dearest son in our trinity. he enjoys more under my custody, and i tried my best to cater to his play. these days our main play is pc game, dined out, but i planned to bring him haunt more places, like garden, zoo, library, asylum, etc. God, equipped me with adequate courage, financial support, and interesting places&persons. God, times belongs to baby son, God of Universe, Hope of China, can't be more wonderful. God, sees our journey!
its a cloudy Sunday morning. i enjoy late sleep, got up after 10am. in restaurant before served, i deeply missing baby son, worried if he felt lonely or boring. the lunch was quite delicious, but God urged me to act to rid baby from boring or motionless. on way to office, i buzzed him, his mom shown irritation and impatient as usual, but baby son glad to accept my suggestion to visit municipal library next weekend. God, u know how i love and endear baby son, Masheng, u know how lovable baby son is, cared my baby, let him enjoy staying on the planet!
its now mostly bright outside. i don't want repent, God, let me active. this weekend i will busy with my posting, but i would promise here i will bring more fantasy to baby who still in comprehension to the world. God, don't let me unsettled.
this dawn dreamed of college alumni gathering. then dreamed of Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan, who once studied in Nankai Univ with me. dreamed searching her thesis&found 2 or 3. one is about Chinese traditional works, "the art of war" by SunTzu. other thesis i forget now but likely touched our love.
its a brilliant morning now. yesterday when i took bus to meet baby, its drizzled while sunny, so amazing fresh; in night when i sat side by side in a neighbor dorm room with a new QRRS graduate&watching movie on his notebook, he had to cross his legs soon to avoid my presence, then a thunderstorm poured in, informs me how i different from common people. God, brings me my girls i deserves.
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

benzrad, 朱子卓,ate toast mutton in a Korea style restaurant, shot by baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, hope of China.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, with his proud mom, emakingir, amid a dine out.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, God of Universe, fought against his proud dad, benzrd, 朱子卓's kiss, amid a dine out.
its a cloudy Sunday morning. i enjoy late sleep, got up after 10am. in restaurant before served, i deeply missing baby son, worried if he felt lonely or boring. the lunch was quite delicious, but God urged me to act to rid baby from boring or motionless. on way to office, i buzzed him, his mom shown irritation and impatient as usual, but baby son glad to accept my suggestion to visit municipal library next weekend. God, u know how i love and endear baby son, Masheng, u know how lovable baby son is, cared my baby, let him enjoy staying on the planet!
its now mostly bright outside. i don't want repent, God, let me active. this weekend i will busy with my posting, but i would promise here i will bring more fantasy to baby who still in comprehension to the world. God, don't let me unsettled.
my e-payment now ready.^read on cleaner os&felt glad. tried to reclaim one of baby's 163 accounts,, which stealed months ago, but failed. at noon registered an account with ChinaPost and bound it with my alipay account, recharged it ¥40. now i can pay overseas bills. the sins in office challenged all time, esp. the dirty monitor, stayed at noon lately. later they babbled about cadres' promotion within the company. the facing dog tried every chance to show his orthodox, likes a monkey in clothes. they stayed in office after work time, but soon called to gather&left to celebrating the personnel changes refered above, which likely including their close friends' promotion. i sorted stuff from web&felt glad. leaving office before 5:30pm in bright sunshine. the dorms' canteen deteriorating, sold out so early the prepared meal, forced me to order to cook my dinner, which cost me ¥18 even there is nothing delicious nor enough of food, while a common ready meal only costs ¥6. for the garden bench occupied by a male, i roamed out first, then rest for a long time till dusk almost cover the garden of the dorms. sorted portable in dorm. God, the land of China is my property, all trades of cadres in nowadays China is baseless&disappear in my emerging Empire of China. brings my girls, my crowned Queens sooner, God. in these beautiful silent moments in echo of ur holy, i trust u let my elation of reunification among my beloved sooner descending me.12/8/2010
enjoy toast mutton stick with baby&his mom. dreamed of Masheng.^read most day while d/l. tried gmail new interface in afternoon. sorted contacts then&backup. chat with hometown folks about weather, my works online. visit telcom office before leaving for baby for my ill cellphone which recently can't access wap via gprs, but the clerk woman didn't figure it out. dined with baby son&his mom near their house, with toast mutton. i ate enough mutton till full. told baby how i missing him. ema invited me to eat watermelon in her home, so i accompanied them return there. returned to dorm after it turns cloudy, rest awhile on bench, then decided to inquire my bank account to verify my alipay's account for real person behind my ID there. restored os in night, for the windows lagging heavily in afternoon. God, saves my works.this dawn dreamed of college alumni gathering. then dreamed of Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan, who once studied in Nankai Univ with me. dreamed searching her thesis&found 2 or 3. one is about Chinese traditional works, "the art of war" by SunTzu. other thesis i forget now but likely touched our love.
its a brilliant morning now. yesterday when i took bus to meet baby, its drizzled while sunny, so amazing fresh; in night when i sat side by side in a neighbor dorm room with a new QRRS graduate&watching movie on his notebook, he had to cross his legs soon to avoid my presence, then a thunderstorm poured in, informs me how i different from common people. God, brings me my girls i deserves.
a bright&fresh day.^found another google account hacked&break-in. first time tried google's multi-logon. read most day. the gay monitor profaned heavily, lasted near 5:30pm. God sees their scattering&deeper hell. enjoyed stuff from web. fixed broken autoposting. trying to correct wap settings on my cellphone which recent suddenly can't surf, but failed. the shit dog in neighbor room again lied&refused to help my referring his cell's settings. that all let me sees clear the dying department. in night lectured in a neighbor dorm to new QRRS graduates about cellphone's os, people's power to change world with their spendings. its a bright morning now. i see God's blessing upon me&my girls.10/8/2010
evil knocks door.^read all day. one of my google account, benzillar under attacks&broke. gmail warned me the break-in&let me reinforce it with new password. i did, in God's blessing i left my other web assets intact in God's judge. its all day gloomy. after dinner i sat on the garden bench again, then roamed outside. i felt need more heat so i decided to snack with toast mutton on way back. i buzzed baby's mom, who brought baby son haunting KFC, want to treat them with the snack with me, but they rebuffed. a winter is striding toward us, i foreseeing i need more expense on meat. God, saves me from last year's embarrass of penniless. bring me a warm&richer family sooner, in ur holy. slept just after 9pm. this morning dreamed of kid brother. there is wet ground so likely it drizzled again in dawn. but its quite bright when i ate breakfast. now its cloudy.9/8/2010
a lengthy rain.^the rain started last afternoon&lasting so far. i felt so many love&obligation with Masheng, my second wife from Japan. yesterday i finished raw setup with my new domain,, which now blocked by China authority after a day's freedom of access, near 3pm. the task let me missed lunch. in dusk i felt restless, i asked myself what i lack, only my Royal, my beloved girls! the night's preach in local church is on lily by a woman Priest. i sensed my girl approaching me&my new life budding. God. sees my girls bypass turbulence&join my arms in the near end.From still changes&resolution to change |
From still changes&resolution to change |
From still changes&resolution to change |
From still changes&resolution to change |
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
benzrad, 朱子卓,ate toast mutton in a Korea style restaurant, shot by baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, hope of China.
baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, with his proud mom, emakingir, amid a dine out.
baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, God of Universe, fought against his proud dad, benzrd, 朱子卓's kiss, amid a dine out.
Posterous is the place to post everyt
Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉
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