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Thursday, August 12, 2010


enjoy toast mutton stick with baby&his mom. dreamed of Masheng.^read most day while d/l. tried gmail new interface in afternoon. sorted contacts then&backup. chat with hometown folks about weather, my works online. visit telcom office before leaving for baby for my ill cellphone which recently can't access wap via gprs, but the clerk woman didn't figure it out. dined with baby son&his mom near their house, with toast mutton. i ate enough mutton till full. told baby how i missing him. ema invited me to eat watermelon in her home, so i accompanied them return there. returned to dorm after it turns cloudy, rest awhile on bench, then decided to inquire my bank account to verify my alipay's account for real person behind my ID there. restored os in night, for the windows lagging heavily in afternoon. God, saves my works. this dawn dreamed of college alumni gathering. then dreamed of Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan, who once studied in Nankai Univ with me. dreamed searching her thesis&found 2 or 3. one is about Chinese traditional works, "the art of war" by Sunzi. other thesis forget now but likely touched our love. its a brilliant morning now. yesterday when i took bus to meet baby, its drizzled while sunny, so amazing fresh; in night when i sat side by side in a neighbor dorm room, watching a new graduate's movie, he had to cross his legs soon to avoid my presence, then a thunderstorm poured in, informs me how i different from common people. God, brings me my girls i deserves.

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉

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